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 Tactical Movement in Arena

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Zwiebel Force
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Tactical Movement in Arena Empty
PostSubject: Tactical Movement in Arena   Tactical Movement in Arena EmptyFri Jan 17, 2014 7:58 am

If these could exist in arena, just saying. Though I myself don't know what the picture below means but something like that.

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Last edited by Evalerinna on Fri Jan 17, 2014 9:21 am; edited 1 time in total
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Tactical Movement in Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tactical Movement in Arena   Tactical Movement in Arena EmptyFri Jan 17, 2014 8:10 am

I do that with my friends....

but since we're usually LND,LND,AIR,ART

the Line is the best formation for us
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PostSubject: Re: Tactical Movement in Arena   Tactical Movement in Arena EmptyFri Jan 17, 2014 8:19 am

This could work with friends and people who know what they are doing, not with the majority of the "every player for himself/herself" meta.

I really wish this would happen. It was plausible for Counter Strike (hence why Left 4 Dead happened), and it should be plausible here.
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Tactical Movement in Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tactical Movement in Arena   Tactical Movement in Arena EmptyFri Jan 17, 2014 9:56 am

I know a couple of frequently used formations:






Should be quite handy in arena.
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Zwiebel Force
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Tactical Movement in Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tactical Movement in Arena   Tactical Movement in Arena EmptyFri Jan 17, 2014 12:25 pm

We don't even have team leaders :O

not sure if cb would really benefit from this.

Last edited by Zwiebel Force on Thu Jan 23, 2014 10:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Potato Thinking
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Tactical Movement in Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tactical Movement in Arena   Tactical Movement in Arena EmptyFri Jan 17, 2014 6:42 pm

You could probably win just about any match with a pincer movement, because people are just like "rush or gtfo"
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Tactical Movement in Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tactical Movement in Arena   Tactical Movement in Arena EmptyFri Jan 17, 2014 8:57 pm

EXNova wrote:
You could probably win just about any match with a pincer movement, because people are just like "rush or gtfo"

if you see me playing with my friends and we're lucky enough to fall in the same team


you might change your opinion
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Tactical Movement in Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tactical Movement in Arena   Tactical Movement in Arena EmptyFri Jan 17, 2014 9:40 pm

Zwiebel Force wrote:
We don'r even have team leaders :O

not sure if cb would reaööy benefit from this.
If you play long enough, you don't need team leaders. Theres a natural observable pattern of attack based on what bot you're using.

Below is whats most common in Green field and that Ice map which is why experienced players tend to deploy pincer movements.

Arts, tend to lead the front initially because they have range (fire from safety). They must be protected/targeted at all costs because they are your damage dealers, they deal massive damage to everything. Airs by the side because they have mobility (to get out of sticky situations) They are opportunists and fit the role of a 'marauder'. Since they can't take direct art fire, they look for higher ground. This creates a standard formation as shown below.
The lands, both melee and ranged are what changes or disrupts this standard formation. They are the pawn on the chess board but with the functionality of knights charging on horseback(melee) or infiltrators. Once they rush in, you bloody make sure they get their support and press the advantage or you're not doing your job as arts/airs especially those Weapon canceller armed alpha arts. Make sure you give enough covering fire for them to retreat and get healed. This is when most of the times, not all the time (lands can still be at fault), people start blaming lands for feeding just because they are doing their job and people from the back lines are too busy PS hugging because its safe, no risk no cost, 'wrong reason to gamewarrior and criticise'.

Not only that, lands in particular the melee types, have an added role as defenders. They make sure the formation is intact from threats trying to assassinate the backline. That means staying with your arts and stunlocking the person that comes by.

Anyway, this is just an ideal situation that guarantees victory. If you're played a bad hand you can still lose and people shouldn't be hardup about it. No amount of skill can fix that. There has to be a winner and there has to be a loser. Just accept it.
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Tactical Movement in Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tactical Movement in Arena   Tactical Movement in Arena EmptyFri Jan 17, 2014 10:31 pm

Solryu wrote:

Lol, Arts shouldn't be on the front line. They have the range to attack the enemy front line from the back, so why risk chilling with lnds on the front when you can do the same thing safely from the back? And you can't just group up all of the arts/airs/lnds into only 3 categories. There are tons of unique things about each bot and they each have a role thats different than the next.
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Tactical Movement in Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tactical Movement in Arena   Tactical Movement in Arena EmptyFri Jan 17, 2014 11:13 pm

tourist wrote:
I know a couple of frequently used formations:






Should be quite handy in arena.

brah u made my day
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Tactical Movement in Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tactical Movement in Arena   Tactical Movement in Arena EmptyMon Jan 20, 2014 7:55 am

Strykerr wrote:
Lol, Arts shouldn't be on the front line. They have the range to attack the enemy front line from the back, so why risk chilling with lnds on the front when you can do the same thing safely from the back?
That is because in the middle of that open field in the 2 maps mentioned you'd be standing on 'no man's land'. Most Arts have enough range to see you coming from a mile. No one wants to stay in no mans land for too long and the art wall is what creates this scenario for lands. That is why they may lead the front 'initially' or quite possibly 'throughout the game'.

If you to rush with lands from the start you do that early game with proper backing then it will be as you mentioned but yeah theres too many variables in this game to put a stamp on every scenario to be the same.
Strykerr wrote:
And you can't just group up all of the arts/airs/lnds into only 3 categories. There are tons of unique things about each bot and they each have a role thats different than the next.
Spot on.

I was hoping someone would bring that up. What I just mentioned was for an ideal situation. I don't want to wall of text again, cause I don't have time anymore since I got lucky and now receive free job training at a firm since last week. (lol there goes my holidays).

We already know a few mould breakers like Sledgehiem, Litia, Lux, Resha, EVE, Monica Gold Wing, Ragna etc Lily Rain EVE... outliners that most, tend to be OP, further reinforces that you can't categorize as such.

And for that reason I focused on the functionality of bot influencing playstyle as much as possible in the discussion in the 'Random thing thread' rather than land/air/art/sup label.
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Tactical Movement in Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tactical Movement in Arena   Tactical Movement in Arena EmptyMon Jan 20, 2014 9:39 am

Game is far too imbalanced for something like "tacitcal movement" to be applicable for a group. Too many variables. Only thing that ever matters is inidividual skill and ability to self-sustain whilst dishing out damage, full on mad rush down will always be more effective than any form of defensive formation in this game when both sides are equally skilled.
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Tactical Movement in Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tactical Movement in Arena   Tactical Movement in Arena EmptyThu Jan 23, 2014 5:14 am

JUST AN EXAMPLE DON'T OPEN if you hate ZEROs: Pretty much sums up everything you said Edit: (IN REGARDS TO THE GAME being IMBALANCED). Except you have to rush together at the same time with the right people and not just one (knowing that maniac ALWAYS rushes). He was the Tanker and I was the DPS covering his back.

Last edited by Solryu on Thu Jan 23, 2014 8:35 am; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Tactical Movement in Arena   Tactical Movement in Arena EmptyThu Jan 23, 2014 5:30 am

An Eris performing well on a map so chaotic and disorganized that it might as well been a Random Arcantus map due to teams being badly splitted up and everything comes down to a matter of spawn luck, this sums up NOTHING aside from your own cancerous nature.

What a fucking joke.

I mean, really, trying to prove a point with Eris in pub arena? Seriously? What's next? Resha in Training room?

Last edited by reVelske on Thu Jan 23, 2014 6:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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Tactical Movement in Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tactical Movement in Arena   Tactical Movement in Arena EmptyThu Jan 23, 2014 5:41 am

a formation where all units of team attack a certain target

u wu you have no idea
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Tactical Movement in Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tactical Movement in Arena   Tactical Movement in Arena EmptyThu Jan 23, 2014 5:54 am

Have no idea of what? And how would that even qualify as a formation? All units on a single target is extremely inefficient and can easily be taken advantage of by anyone that's remotely competent, not like it hasn't been the case with rush crowd divers anyways.
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Tactical Movement in Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tactical Movement in Arena   Tactical Movement in Arena EmptyThu Jan 23, 2014 6:16 am

reVelske wrote:
An Eris performing well on a chaotic map that might as well been a Random Arcantus map due to teams being badly splitted up and everything comes down to a matter of spawn luck, this sums up NOTHING aside from your own cancerous nature.

What a fucking joke.

I mean, really, trying to prove a point with Eris in pub arena? Seriously? What's next? Resha in Training room?
Hey it could be anyone else using it, doesn't have to be me. I just showed you how imbalanced/cancerous to illustrate your point as stated. I could be using a jacked up Ivis, Sylvia or whatever else OP not just land types, like flap arms or Monica Gold Wing, alpha weapon cancelling arts and produce the same results. The Eris hate stems from being the first ever thing imbalanced/cancerous moes introduced to this game and its funny how people don't really complain about Ivis as much. Also just because I have an Eris doesn't mean I use it all the time. If at times I find the sides to be way unbalanced I swap back to my Estes. I'll definitely take it out when the same OP stuff comes out on the other team. Its the never ending OP vs OP chain which is the cancer.
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PostSubject: revelske argument with solryu   Tactical Movement in Arena EmptyThu Jan 23, 2014 6:33 am

It illustrate nothing of what I said. You are M2harder'ing a scattered team on terrible map, likely newbies, it has no relevance to anything I stated earlier.

And spare me the excuses.
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Tactical Movement in Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tactical Movement in Arena   Tactical Movement in Arena EmptyThu Jan 23, 2014 8:46 am

Formations are viable if you have at least 1 hard counter in your team. Our team got countered so hard with a 2 Ivis BF and NeFiore as Regina Winberrl shock debuff/draw gun/heal combo formation recently. They practically swept the whole floor with that synergy and there was nothing we could do about it.

That was in the Angel Academy.
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Tactical Movement in Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tactical Movement in Arena   Tactical Movement in Arena EmptyThu Jan 23, 2014 10:12 pm

Solryu wrote:
The Eris hate stems from being the first ever thing imbalanced/cancerous moes introduced to this game
What the fuck. Do you know just how wrong you are?
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Tactical Movement in Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tactical Movement in Arena   Tactical Movement in Arena EmptyThu Jan 23, 2014 10:26 pm

sugoi girls 1st thing that came to mind when
Solryu wrote:
The Eris hate stems from being the first ever thing imbalanced/cancerous moes introduced to this game

then again, there's the cviel ivis in beta i think
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Tactical Movement in Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tactical Movement in Arena   Tactical Movement in Arena EmptyThu Jan 23, 2014 10:30 pm

hey guys let's talk about which moe ruined the game first

ps it was ivis
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Tactical Movement in Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tactical Movement in Arena   Tactical Movement in Arena EmptyFri Jan 24, 2014 12:25 am

The fact that he thinks he's hot stuff for doing good with Eris should be the first clue to not listen to him.

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Tactical Movement in Arena Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tactical Movement in Arena   Tactical Movement in Arena EmptyFri Jan 24, 2014 3:26 am

You know what actually worked once

Kuro and Omega were using Axers and bumrushing

There was me and 2 other Ragnas

and then there were misc. lands and airs

But this formation put the other team completely on shutdown, and we steamrolled them all the way to spawn, and actually put up a spawntrap on Wide Glacier Night.

This was the night I got buttmad and decided to actually push instead of playing like a passive lazy shit.

Surprisngly, because Omega and Kuro stayed alive for longer than rushing axers usually do due to airspace control by ragnas, they became the main source of damage dealing by controlling all the respawns by shutting down all the airs before they could gain altitude and in general outdamaging and killing everything else.
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PostSubject: Re: Tactical Movement in Arena   Tactical Movement in Arena EmptyFri Jan 24, 2014 3:34 am

Hence the idea of all out offense, if everyone contributes, if everyone is actively putting pressure on the entire opposing team, throwing them out of their comforting zone, forcing them to do what's necessary to survive rather than what they excel at, you will, in most cases have a winning formula... until some healer at the backmost PS pulling the weak-willed units back and cause your entire offense to collapse, or when people reluctant to rejoin the offense upon dying in it, precious scoreboard position/etc.
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