Hello again.
As many might have known, I do not intend to update CosmiCalc any further as a proper rewrite from scratch would probably be better for long term maintenance.
I actually thought about going over the stats from CBUNI once but I immediately gave up. They really did change almost all the stats.
Though for the currently ongoing CBUNI beta, I have implemented some small changes so people can still use it as a makeshift simulator. I felt the slight need for it as well so I will probably use it myself.
If updating the entire thing by myself was too hard, I will just let you, the users, update what you want to use instead.
I added an edit button to the part description area. Hovering the part to get what you want in the lower right might be a bit annoying. Well at least it is usable.
I am open to suggestions for improvements on that issue.
When you click edit, a window will show up with the data of that part in strict JSON.
Here you can edit the data of that selected part.
Be warned, changing the ID might break things, though this should be able to fulfill any basic needs to update part stats on your own.
Those who have already tried to work with the data on CosmiCalc should be very familiar with these lines of text,
but for most people who might need help on how to understand this data structure, the long-dead wiki on my repository (https://github.com/blead/cosmiccalc/wiki/) might help.
Feel free to ask me directly also.
I will try to update the wiki so that it at least contains all the basics.
Clicking "Apply" will save the changes you have made and reload the current assembly. Your changes will be reflected immediately.
These changes are also saved to your browser's local storage so they will still be there the next time you open the website. (Might need permissions if you turned it off).
Clicking "Reset" will replace the text with the original part data in strict JSON. Clicking "Apply" afterwards will then apply it to the assembly.
Now I have the adjusted Zero Saber NEXT BD from CBUNI.
Adding new parts is not really supported yet but you can probably pick a sacrificial part to override for now, or simply ask me to just add that part to the data.
I might make some more changes later to make this a slightly better experience overall.
Some ideas I have right now: editing/resetting all the changes ever made instead of per-part, sharing edits via some lines of text.
So as usual, the website is here: https://blead.github.io/cosmiccalc/
I am moving off appspot now that hosting static on GitHub is much easier. I hope you understand that.
I hope this helps you in your CBUNI experience. Please report any bugs/annoyances you find. I am open to suggestions if they aren't too hard to do.
Looking forward, I would also like to take this opportunity to ask some questions:
- For those with RE knowledge, is there any feasible way to automate getting stats in structured forms directly from the client/server so we don't have to type them in by ourselves?
- I have seen some efforts being made to create a new simulator for CBUNI. That is awesome. Please let me know if you need any help (though I don't know how much help I could even offer). I am interested in collaborating if I have the time and knowledge.
I added stats editing in CosmiCalc.
Check it out here: https://blead.github.io/cosmiccalc/
Have fun.
Edit: Oh yeah I forgot to mention. I also updated all the tunes to reflect CBUNI. All your EX/Capa/Revenge tunes are dead.