- Nancy wrote:
- So I'm not going for battle field medic anytime soon
You said this yourself. I was under the impression that you would want focus more on mobility and survivability. Or maybe you just meant you weren't going to use her spear?
If you're going to be a WLK based hopper, aim for 30, 34, or 35 WLK (I've used 30 on a non boost run genbura and it wasn't
too bad. 34 WLK is the last hop breakpoint for non LND. 35 WLK is the last non boost run ground movement for non LND). It's a different ballpark if you pick up boost run, though.
If you're going to be a FLY based hopper, aim for 28, 31, 34, or 38 FLY.
From there, you can stack HP, if you want. Personally, I don't think she needs
that much HP since she's always going to receive healing from her own buff fields so she's always healed up (and most of them she will also have all-guard up, as well). Then again, smart people will aggro any Trintia so...
If you feel like you don't need the extra HP, then sure, start tuning STR/TEC. However, I think it's best if you only start increasing said stats if you actually have a damaging weapon.
Shock Bazooka is cool, but it's not meant for damage. I think you'd be better off stacking HP instead if you use that.
Handy Bazooka is low cost and does decent damage, but I feel it's a bit of a waste on a L core.
Large Bazooka is amazing, but it comes with many setbacks and not many people like it so I guess I can't recommend that to you.
Mega Beam Gun is niche, as with Negatron Rifle.
Really, I think most people, if they're not using her spear, would use Handy Mag Mod or Shock Bazooka, like UncleBobbie said.
If you decide to not extensively tune a damage STAT, don't worry too much about STR/TEC balance in regards to your wb. It affects it a bit, but don't go out of your way to make it a perfect 20/20 or whatever.
There's also the very hipster idea of 40 TGH Trinitia, but I wouldn't recommend it.