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 Medal of Honor BETA KEYS

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Medal of Honor BETA KEYS Empty
PostSubject: Medal of Honor BETA KEYS   Medal of Honor BETA KEYS EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 6:20 am

I know some of you were looking for these so here you go!

Enjoy while it lasts! Also you can find me on the pc version by the name of K4G3.

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Medal of Honor BETA KEYS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Medal of Honor BETA KEYS   Medal of Honor BETA KEYS EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 8:47 am

TBH the game sucks so far, and yes i will concede it's beta.

BUT, the point of a beta is bug fixes and rooting out problems from the full release while also giving the feel of the game for the people who bought it.

The weapons have a sorta cartoonish feel to them

Walking in general is awkward

If you walk into a steel or water barrel it automatically disappears

Guns are unrealistic and generic nothing really defining a class

A run and gun type of game but worse

nothing truly new introduced

so if you say these are all problems of the beta then i will slap you

and i dont mean that as euphemism i will literally drive over to your house and slap you
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Medal of Honor BETA KEYS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Medal of Honor BETA KEYS   Medal of Honor BETA KEYS EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 8:52 am

Just got a key, hopefully i'll see you in game, and i wont suck at this FPS.
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Medal of Honor BETA KEYS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Medal of Honor BETA KEYS   Medal of Honor BETA KEYS EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 10:58 am

Tigge wrote:
TBH the game sucks so far, and yes i will concede it's beta.

BUT, the point of a beta is bug fixes and rooting out problems from the full release while also giving the feel of the game for the people who bought it.

The weapons have a sorta cartoonish feel to them

Walking in general is awkward

If you walk into a steel or water barrel it automatically disappears

Guns are unrealistic and generic nothing really defining a class

A run and gun type of game but worse

nothing truly new introduced

so if you say these are all problems of the beta then i will slap you

and i dont mean that as euphemism i will literally drive over to your house and slap you


I don't see how the weapons are "cartoonish".

How is it awkward? It is as smooth as MW2/BC2 if not smoother.

That's apparently a bug for your graphics card as they don't to me.

Possibly the most confusing thing so far. What makes the weapons unrealistic? How is a close quarters class the same as a snipers class? Did you even bother looking at the classes? Assaults have medium-longe range assault rifles and machine guns with a a grenade launcher. Spec Ops have short-medium range carbines and shotguns and also carry c4 as well as rocket launchers to take down vehicals or smoke out a sniper. Snipers obviously have long-super long range rifles and can 1hit with some of them.

Is no way is this a "run and gun" unless you go as a Spec Ops with a shotgun. Otherwise you die in a few hits and can only win by using cover and tactics.

They don't need to bring something new to the table. The fact is they made a solid shooter that is highly optimized even for a beta.

I don't see any problems so far.

So now let me try and figure out how you came to these conclusions. You're apparently trying to rambo rush and feel weapons are unreal because you're not using iron sights or your scope, which is the only real way to nail someone. I own BC2 and have played a LOT of MW2 with others. With that said this rivals both just by the demo alone. Everything is smooth, especially melee which is the best I've seen so far.
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Medal of Honor BETA KEYS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Medal of Honor BETA KEYS   Medal of Honor BETA KEYS EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 9:58 pm

I've used all the classes

Suffice to say the first two classes have no difference because i can shoot people from either distance on a regular basis.

However it's my mistake to say the c4 and rpgs are the same and such as those take skill and strategy to use

The sniper class in the respect that you have to level up a few times to actually make it a REAL sniper class instead of some red dot

I take the slow approach in these types of games and regardless some person would just be running up and down taking everyone out unless they did likewise

i don't Rambo rush and i hate the use of hip fire to a ridiculous amount.

Also by saying they don't need to bring anything new to the table is like saying I'm going to build a car that doesn't stand out against my competitors

The use of my word cartoonish is the fact i don't really know how to describe the guns to me they just look weird.
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Medal of Honor BETA KEYS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Medal of Honor BETA KEYS   Medal of Honor BETA KEYS EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 10:06 pm

So when will it be available for 360?
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Medal of Honor BETA KEYS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Medal of Honor BETA KEYS   Medal of Honor BETA KEYS EmptyThu Jul 15, 2010 10:28 pm

735 MEGS???

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Medal of Honor BETA KEYS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Medal of Honor BETA KEYS   Medal of Honor BETA KEYS EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 6:06 am

Tigge wrote:
I've used all the classes

Suffice to say the first two classes have no difference because i can shoot people from either distance on a regular basis.

However it's my mistake to say the c4 and rpgs are the same and such as those take skill and strategy to use

The sniper class in the respect that you have to level up a few times to actually make it a REAL sniper class instead of some red dot

I take the slow approach in these types of games and regardless some person would just be running up and down taking everyone out unless they did likewise

i don't Rambo rush and i hate the use of hip fire to a ridiculous amount.

Also by saying they don't need to bring anything new to the table is like saying I'm going to build a car that doesn't stand out against my competitors

The use of my word cartoonish is the fact i don't really know how to describe the guns to me they just look weird.

As I said before Spec Ops also get shotguns, you also have that smg to pick from. You COULD get more range with the M4 or AK74, but the assaults have more range and have grenade launchers besides normal grenades. They also get machine guns... How is that alike? Neutral

They don't need to bring anything new. When was the last time there was something "new" in this genre let alone any? MoH does not need to stand out, it just needs to stand with. There are 1000s of Korean mmos that are basically the same thing. However not everyone likes this theme or that feel, and a lot more comes into play than what is new. Left 4 Dead 2 brought nothing "new" to the table compared to the first game. In fact they were suppose to add on to the first one, but instead made a stand alone game and sold it for cash. They lied to thousands of people and yet everyone still bought it and still play it after realizing the only actual changes are character and weapon models and locations.

All of the weapons used are real current weapons used by those factions in the current war. Unless by looks you mean the graphics for them look bad, then you apparently have another graphics bug.

Mastermind wrote:
So when will it be available for 360?

I don't know if they will have a 360 beta but the game will be coming out for the ps3, pc and 360 in a few months. I think it was September.
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Medal of Honor BETA KEYS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Medal of Honor BETA KEYS   Medal of Honor BETA KEYS EmptyFri Jul 16, 2010 6:17 pm

This seems legit... might pick it up.
If I do, IGN: Velocity
(if not then just my username over there)

knyx wrote:
735 MEGS???


lol Nigger connection, I know how you feel ;_;
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Medal of Honor BETA KEYS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Medal of Honor BETA KEYS   Medal of Honor BETA KEYS EmptyWed Aug 04, 2010 8:41 am

FULL trailer

affraid affraid affraid affraid affraid affraid

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Medal of Honor BETA KEYS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Medal of Honor BETA KEYS   Medal of Honor BETA KEYS EmptyThu Oct 07, 2010 4:32 am

I'll go ahead and lock this thread. This stage of beta has been over for awhile.
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Medal of Honor BETA KEYS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Medal of Honor BETA KEYS   Medal of Honor BETA KEYS Empty

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