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 (Mostly related, heh) Trying to cheer myself up, so....

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(Mostly related, heh) Trying to cheer myself up, so.... Empty
PostSubject: (Mostly related, heh) Trying to cheer myself up, so....   (Mostly related, heh) Trying to cheer myself up, so.... EmptySat May 05, 2012 10:58 pm

Job's holding for now, but just barely, and it's a week to week thing for me at the moment....

The point is, that I'm trying to keep my spirits up and thought of a way to at least keep them up here in CB!

Years ago, I participated in a rather large and extensive online m.u.d./rpg...we got to the point where we actually created and printed 2 complete 'soundtracks' for a good numbers of our characters; we'd pick a theme song that best represented them and ended up having enough for 2 separate soundtracks, created a few years apart(a few characters 'appeared' in both)...we only printed just enough to cover those of us who wanted one, thus avoiding any potential copyright issues...; I still have both my copies(of which now likely exist less than 2 dozen between all of us), and for me, it's a sign of better days and happier times, as soundbites of several of us acting in character are also included! Very Happy

My own characters was one of the few who had themes in both soundtracks: in the 1st, his theme was 'Instruments of Destruction', by NRG from the 1986 animated Transformers film, and the 2nd soundtrack had Rhapsody's 'Holy Thunderforce'.

A 3rd soundtrack was planned but never produced...I'd narrowed my choices to AC/DCs 'Thunderstruck' or Weird Al Yankovics 'Trigger Happy', and was leaning towards the latter when we canned the project.... Sad

...the point is, I've idly wondered what theme songs for all of us here would be like, and am torn on what I'd pick now...something that gets me ready to blast things, or something that reflects me in-game as much as possible....

I'd been considering Bentley Jones' 'So much more' from the Sonic and Sega's All-Star Racing soundtrack, Scooter's 'Fire', from the DDR Disney Rave soundtrack, or 'Kansei! GoZyuJin' from the Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger soundtrack...but if anyone's got a better match, I'd love to hear it(link if possible)...and some of what YOUR 'theme songs' would be...oh, and let's keep it relatively safe, eh? Very Happy

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Grand Poster
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(Mostly related, heh) Trying to cheer myself up, so.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Mostly related, heh) Trying to cheer myself up, so....   (Mostly related, heh) Trying to cheer myself up, so.... EmptySat May 05, 2012 11:00 pm

As cool as this thread is I can't help but think it'd be more fitting in the Lounge area

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Ace Poster
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(Mostly related, heh) Trying to cheer myself up, so.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Mostly related, heh) Trying to cheer myself up, so....   (Mostly related, heh) Trying to cheer myself up, so.... EmptySat May 05, 2012 11:03 pm


Btw it's your round to answer questions, so go pester people to ask you questions. :v

This isn't really a "theme song" for me, but, I listen to it at least once every time I go out on my daily walks.
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(Mostly related, heh) Trying to cheer myself up, so.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Mostly related, heh) Trying to cheer myself up, so....   (Mostly related, heh) Trying to cheer myself up, so.... EmptySat May 05, 2012 11:23 pm

Trill wrote:
As cool as this thread is I can't help but think it'd be more fitting in the Lounge area


I did consider that, and if the mods feel it's better off in the Lounge, go ahead and move it there.... Smile
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Master Poster
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(Mostly related, heh) Trying to cheer myself up, so.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Mostly related, heh) Trying to cheer myself up, so....   (Mostly related, heh) Trying to cheer myself up, so.... EmptySun May 06, 2012 2:30 am

wat kind of job is dis. ._.
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Ace Poster
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(Mostly related, heh) Trying to cheer myself up, so.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Mostly related, heh) Trying to cheer myself up, so....   (Mostly related, heh) Trying to cheer myself up, so.... EmptySun May 06, 2012 6:41 am

here we go.

this is it. one of my favorite theme songs for many of my characters that i created over the years.

it's a nice song.
Sad not a lot of love for it amon
among my friends.

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(Mostly related, heh) Trying to cheer myself up, so.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Mostly related, heh) Trying to cheer myself up, so....   (Mostly related, heh) Trying to cheer myself up, so.... EmptySun May 06, 2012 7:56 am

It's nearly your turn. :3
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(Mostly related, heh) Trying to cheer myself up, so.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Mostly related, heh) Trying to cheer myself up, so....   (Mostly related, heh) Trying to cheer myself up, so.... EmptySun May 06, 2012 11:34 pm

O.k., I thought I'd do YT links to all 3 titles...the 1st is the one I'm leaning heavily towards as the lyrics seem to be about me sometimes....

Just hope I can straighten things out in reallife and be more active here in CB...but it's -sure- help if I had a theme song here!!

...and a kick-ass sig.... <_<

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