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 In the new meta

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SL the Pyro
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In the new meta Empty
PostSubject: In the new meta   In the new meta EmptyWed Mar 14, 2012 5:09 pm

In the new meta you do not learn to adjust your movement speed, positioning and lead distance because

In the new meta you wait for your aiming recital to turn red and then left click.

In the new meta you do not make trade offs on what cartridges to take because

In the new meta you take them all.

In the new meta you do not get the sudden urge to land as you can feel your boost running out. You do not weight the decision of holding back your greed and letting the low hp enemy get away or take a risk and push forward cautiously into enemy territory because

In the new meta you do not land

In the new meta you do not plan your parts accordingly. You do not pick an arm for the weird firing properties it gives your weapon of choice. You do not pick the legs that reduce your hitbox or adds a bs slot or look sexy as hell. You do not attach the head that provide stats enabling efficient tunes. You DEFINATLY do not attach the bsj with the nice skin you spent hours working on which only serves to enlarge your hitbox and please your eyes.

In the new meta your bot is uniquely different in that the ugly mismatching hat you decided to throw on it that day isn’t the same as yesterday. If you are lucky maybe, just maybe, the guy next to you is wearing a different one too.

In the new meta you do not debate internally what bit to take and if it’s even worth keeping the strength stat above zero. You do not groan as you realize you have run out of ammo and you must drop your altitude and risk shot by an art as you get into range with a slayer bit to finish off a low hp. You do not dance around a heal group carefully dodging every shot to keep your dual rifle bits made of paper alive trying to get them to snipe off some low hps because

In the new meta there is only one bit for your bot and when you press f, a newbie dies.

In the new meta you do not kill newbies half asleep with your earphones blaring, with one hand on the mouse and the other scratching your privates because

In the new meta you kill newbies by hitting f and go to sleep with both hands stroking your privates

In the new meta you do not have a marco set to ask for ammo and you do not thank that nice person giving you it. You do not get annoyed when someone joins your team with a chibi only to realize that ammo dance was exactly what gave you what you need to get the finishing kill along with many others. Your team does not consider him the MVP even though without him your team would have suffered many extra deaths. You do not change bits according to the map or the team make up because

In the new meta ammo is for the weak lower class, hypershot has no down sides and burst bit >heal bit ALWAYS

In the new meta you are not allowed to stand your ground unless you pay cs. You are absurd to think airs can take on lands without resorting to hit and run. You do not challenge that s land with your L air even though you’ve play this 40 tec 30+ force beam air build since beta 1 because

In the new meta you only have one play style as air unless you pay cs. If you do not pay then you are vermin, destined to run from any land you see. You take broad radar to avoid those skillful lands rather than take them on. When you see an opportunity to strike you do! Shoot him in the back. When he is done mauling your teammate to death, run to safety immediately, for the burning light of the mighty land with be the end of you filthy air bot if it so much as looks at you.

In the new meta you do not memorized the map. You do not have fall back positions and safe landing zones. You do not move according the position of your team, use the terrain to your advantage for cover or height or have destructible terrain nearby to break the enemy lock on because

In the new meta YOU ARE THE TEAM. Make any terrain advantageous with your impenetrable shield but do not bother with the rocky area that may block your shots. Yell at your worthless teammates to shoot down any flies that challenge you. Pat yourself on the back as the rankings tell you your self worth.

In the new meta you do not stare at all the new garabots with glowing wide eyes and a mouth full of drool. You do not take the time to check each bot and their parts to see if you can replace one with an existing bot or part. Do not talk with your clanmates about silly builds for the weird weapons that might make area players roll their eyes, do not ask which is viable and which is a trick that will end in a bunch of wasted tune materials, and most importantly DO NOT FALL IN LOVE WITH A MOE BOT because

In the new meta everything but the few top gold is obsolete until the next release. You must roll with only the top gold in mind and realize that if you don’t get her then you are an incompetent player. Do not worry though. Your money has shown cs your willingness to pay for a blowtorch to burning innocent players alive. Wait for the next update when they release the industrial strength flamethrower that is twice as easy to use and makes all previous gold bots you bought worthless uncustomizalbe material eating eyecandy. When drowning in magma a couple months later, remember that it doesn’t matter because you are having fun burning everything to the ground with your shiny new unique moe that everyone is playing.

In the new meta the voice of reason is not someone who understands all the breakpoints, cartridges, jp builds, team tactics, map advantages, or thought process of the average player because

In the new meta they are all gone or too tired to bother arguing with idiots. If you are lucky, it will be people like me. A stubborn antisocial air player who knows almost nothing about walk based builds, never hit crown rank, vists the jp site only for skins and only thinks about cb when sitting on the shitter. Or maybe reV who prefers to rage on idiots because it is easier than typing all this bs that should be painfully obvious but somehow isn’t. But MOSTLY LIKELY it will be the chrome hero on commu with the loudest mouth who never got a game warrior before but feels accomplished because fate gave him a bot cs custom built for him. A bot he probably spent plenty of money on but feel cheated because it is not very satisfying when everyone gives him curses rather than credit. When no one takes the time to tell him why he shouldn’t use such a monstrosity as the rest of the newbie zero users rally behind him looking to be justified. When he either quits or sticks it through, charging for the new zero to prove everyone wrong and experiencing it all over again. If those that hate zeros stick around rather than leave and fail to get through to him then there is no going back as cs continues to profit from these new bots that bring about the new meta. A meta I have no interest in.

Already I see posts on commu of newbies drooling over the zero type air. I can already see the carnage. Unlike airs, arts are harder and less straight forward to play. Encb considers good arts to be long range ones like milay, tbg, and alba but those are worthless against an air in their blindspot. Building and playing a good short range art is pretty much a forgotten skill very few remaining good players can pull off (if they are even bothered to). Even if you do bring one out you still have to rely on your team to deal with the zero lands. You can’t pull off hit and runs with arts as easy as you can with airs and when you think about, it’s pathetic an art should even be forced to run from one. All resha players should take a moment think about how much money you spent on her. How much fun did you have? How long did it last and how relevant is she now? Are you willing to do it again with this new zero or the next one? Can you manage if you don’t get her? Have fun encouraging this new meta.
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In the new meta Empty
PostSubject: Re: In the new meta   In the new meta EmptyWed Mar 14, 2012 5:18 pm

the most bothering stuff about this post is that, your join date is Nov. 2010, but this is your VERY FIRST POST/COMMENT EVER.

nice post btw.

Drisknoll wrote:

In the new meta everything but the few top gold is obsolete until the next release. You must roll with only the top gold in mind and realize that if you don’t get her then you are an incompetent player. Do not worry though. Your money has shown cs your willingness to pay for a blowtorch to burning innocent players alive. Wait for the next update when they release the industrial strength flamethrower that is twice as easy to use and makes all previous gold bots you bought worthless uncustomizalbe material eating eyecandy. When drowning in magma a couple months later, remember that it doesn’t matter because you are having fun burning everything to the ground with your shiny new unique moe that everyone is playing.

In the new meta the voice of reason is not someone who understands all the breakpoints, cartridges, jp builds, team tactics, map advantages, or thought process of the average player because

In the new meta they are all gone or too tired to bother arguing with idiots. If you are lucky, it will be people like me. A stubborn antisocial air player who knows almost nothing about walk based builds, never hit crown rank, vists the jp site only for skins and only thinks about cb when sitting on the shitter. Or maybe reV who prefers to rage on idiots because it is easier than typing all this bs that should be painfully obvious but somehow isn’t. But MOSTLY LIKELY it will be the chrome hero on commu with the loudest mouth who never got a game warrior before but feels accomplished because fate gave him a bot cs custom built for him. A bot he probably spent plenty of money on but feel cheated because it is not very satisfying when everyone gives him curses rather than credit. When no one takes the time to tell him why he shouldn’t use such a monstrosity as the rest of the newbie zero users rally behind him looking to be justified. When he either quits or sticks it through, charging for the new zero to prove everyone wrong and experiencing it all over again. If those that hate zeros stick around rather than leave and fail to get through to him then there is no going back as cs continues to profit from these new bots that bring about the new meta. A meta I have no interest in.

Already I see posts on commu of newbies drooling over the zero type air. I can already see the carnage. Unlike airs, arts are harder and less straight forward to play. Encb considers good arts to be long range ones like milay, tbg, and alba but those are worthless against an air in their blindspot. Building and playing a good short range art is pretty much a forgotten skill very few remaining good players can pull off (if they are even bothered to). Even if you do bring one out you still have to rely on your team to deal with the zero lands. You can’t pull off hit and runs with arts as easy as you can with airs and when you think about, it’s pathetic an art should even be forced to run from one. All resha players should take a moment think about how much money you spent on her. How much fun did you have? How long did it last and how relevant is she now? Are you willing to do it again with this new zero or the next one? Can you manage if you don’t get her? Have fun encouraging this new meta.

Last edited by SmileBrush on Wed Mar 14, 2012 5:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Adept Poster
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In the new meta Empty
PostSubject: Re: In the new meta   In the new meta EmptyWed Mar 14, 2012 5:25 pm

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Grand Poster
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In the new meta Empty
PostSubject: Re: In the new meta   In the new meta EmptyWed Mar 14, 2012 5:26 pm

In the new meta no one wins except for C.S pale

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In the new meta Empty
PostSubject: Re: In the new meta   In the new meta EmptyWed Mar 14, 2012 5:30 pm

Smilebrush, I'm pretty sure we all know who this is.
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God is a Cat Girl
Guinea Pig Wearing Sweater
Guinea Pig Wearing Sweater

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In the new meta Empty
PostSubject: Re: In the new meta   In the new meta EmptyWed Mar 14, 2012 5:36 pm

Quote :
In the new meta you kill newbies by hitting f and go to sleep with both hands stroking your privates
Mialy bits? They are right click POWAH!
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In the new meta Empty
PostSubject: Re: In the new meta   In the new meta EmptyWed Mar 14, 2012 5:36 pm

mommy approves of this, altho mommy has only played this game for a week.

mommy respects thy post
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Zwiebel Force
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In the new meta Empty
PostSubject: Re: In the new meta   In the new meta EmptyWed Mar 14, 2012 5:45 pm

I want to have a ZERO Air to keep up with the other players...

I read the entire OP post...


Nice post though.

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In the new meta Empty
PostSubject: Re: In the new meta   In the new meta EmptyWed Mar 14, 2012 5:51 pm

Zwiebel Force wrote:
I want to have a ZERO Air to keep up with the other players...

I read the entire OP post...


Nice post though.

didn't mommy tell you about this already? fighting fire with fire only creates bigger fire to deal with.

endless cycle, son, it's an endless cycle.
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Zwiebel Force
Cosmic Onion
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In the new meta Empty
PostSubject: Re: In the new meta   In the new meta EmptyWed Mar 14, 2012 6:04 pm

Zwiebel Force wrote:
I want to have a ZERO Air to keep up with the other players...and feel bad because I allready know I won't get one

I read the entire OP post...


Nice post though.

Fixed to prevent the explosion of several users heads <3
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Game Hater

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In the new meta Empty
PostSubject: Re: In the new meta   In the new meta EmptyWed Mar 14, 2012 7:13 pm

True, and sad.
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Adept Poster
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In the new meta Empty
PostSubject: Re: In the new meta   In the new meta EmptyWed Mar 14, 2012 7:31 pm

Hn. True, and sad....wait why am i repeating necro?
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Ace Poster
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In the new meta Empty
PostSubject: Re: In the new meta   In the new meta EmptyWed Mar 14, 2012 7:54 pm

In the New Meta, CS is laughing her ass off and swimming in $$$
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In the new meta Empty
PostSubject: Re: In the new meta   In the new meta EmptyWed Mar 14, 2012 11:48 pm

Trill wrote:
In the new meta no one wins except for C.S :pale:
C.S. has been winning from the start already even before Zeroes existed.
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Abbey Denied
Abbey Denied

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In the new meta Empty
PostSubject: Re: In the new meta   In the new meta EmptyThu Mar 15, 2012 2:14 pm


Nuff said bro.
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SL the Pyro
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In the new meta Empty
PostSubject: Re: In the new meta   In the new meta EmptyThu Mar 15, 2012 2:38 pm

My name is SL and I approve this message.
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Adept Poster
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In the new meta Empty
PostSubject: Re: In the new meta   In the new meta EmptyThu Mar 15, 2012 4:36 pm

tehprognoob wrote:
In the New Meta, CS is laughing her ass off and swimming in $$$
what make you think CS is winning and swimming in $$$ ???

I mean, you guys really pay a lot for it? Shocked In the new meta Facepalm

CB have its playerbase decreasing, most new players stay just for a couple of weeks or less and the new players spending money get tired of being garatrolled fast and quit or justs top spending money on it.

so, HOW is CS supposed to be winning? they are losing more and more, even more if you consider they could get 5 to 10 times more money out of 30US$/player every month as average with a high player base (30X10000 = 300000) and balanced game where player get what he want with the "cheap" cost, instead of trying to get 150US$/player as average (150X400 = 60000) every month with this insanely unbalanced game where player need to spend a hell of money to, maybe, get what he want . . .

CS fail at it. dont know at CBJP but for CBEN (weastern standards of business) they fail hard. if japanese are gambling adds, and like to spend all money at a game just to get the larger e-pen and troll others with it or just love to gamble for the gambling, CS could have checked that on the last year, that we just dont.
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In the new meta Empty
PostSubject: Re: In the new meta   In the new meta EmptyThu Mar 15, 2012 7:12 pm

CBJP, I bet. Among other things. Don't act like CyberStep only has one game.
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In the new meta Empty
PostSubject: Re: In the new meta   In the new meta EmptyThu Mar 15, 2012 9:19 pm

I can't see CosmicBreak supporting itself in the long run like this, though. CS's business strategy just isn't sustainable. Yes, new OP bots give them a one-time cash influx, but at the permanent cost of the playerbase. If CyberStep is not completely idiotic, we'll see the CBEN server shrink significantly (perhaps down to one channel) to save on server and bandwidth costs, then the game will receive one last update (probably one last pair of Zeroes, either Art or Support) and then CS will just let it die off by not updating, keeping it running only on a dinky server...they might make some sort of automated Weekly Gara and quest shuffler, maybe even randomized campaigns, but there'll be no new content, and, sooner or later, there's going to be that one last person, alone in the darkness that was once the Ground Area, one last light in the night...and they'll quit, and never come back, and CyberStep will then shut down CosmicBreak for good.

That said, if CyberStep is really smart, they'd realize that if they fixed this, they could have a highly profitable game run for years. However, CyberStep's not really smart.
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In the new meta Empty
PostSubject: Re: In the new meta   In the new meta EmptyThu Mar 15, 2012 10:47 pm

Someone must CyberStomp on CS' face, and tell them to stop being so dumb.

Game's gunna die if they continue to neglect.
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In the new meta Empty
PostSubject: Re: In the new meta   In the new meta EmptyThu Mar 15, 2012 11:21 pm

iKray wrote:
Someone must CyberStomp on CS' face, and tell them to stop being so dumb.

Game's gunna die if they continue to neglect.
Then it turns out they don't give a shit.
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Gaming Molcars
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In the new meta Empty
PostSubject: Re: In the new meta   In the new meta EmptyFri Mar 16, 2012 2:55 am

NovaZero wrote:
CBJP, I bet. Among other things. Don't act like CyberStep only has one game.

They use funds from KDJ-ONE

Thus CB will never die
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In the new meta Empty
PostSubject: Re: In the new meta   In the new meta EmptyFri Mar 16, 2012 3:31 am

Hyoka wrote:
NovaZero wrote:
CBJP, I bet. Among other things. Don't act like CyberStep only has one game.

They use funds from KDJ-ONE

Thus CB will never die
That too.

...maybe that's why CB's been a money eater to the players; so they can fund the KDJ-One's development.
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Adept Poster
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In the new meta Empty
PostSubject: Re: In the new meta   In the new meta EmptySun Mar 18, 2012 10:19 am

NovaZero wrote:

That too.

...maybe that's why CB's been a money eater to the players; so they can fund the KDJ-One's development.

problem is . .how can they be "money eater to the players" if there are less players playing and less players paying and those who pay are using less RT?

and if CS is thinking "we dont care, we get our money from ads", what "advertisement" will they get from a dead game without or almost without players? who is the insane idiot that would pay for an ad at CS or CB for something no one care about?

cant CS see it is how the situation will end (and what is already happening)?
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In the new meta Empty
PostSubject: Re: In the new meta   In the new meta EmptySun Mar 18, 2012 10:20 am

Again, stop thinking CBEN's their only game.
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