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 RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue-

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RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue- Empty
PostSubject: RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue-   RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue- EmptySat Nov 26, 2011 4:20 pm

Hey guys, so I just yesterday spent $190 on RT. I originally only wanted to spend $100.

Here's a rough list of events leading to my dissatisfaction;

==============Day 1==============

-try to charge $100 using Visa prepaid and google checkout.

-fail to realize price is $104 canadian

-try to buy in smaller increments or $50, $30 and $10.

-Transactions don't go through

-Notice first transaction is on hold.

-Call Visa

-Visa doesn't help me.

===========Day 2==============

-Wake up hoping it has resolved itself.

-Log in, No RT, and the money on my card is gone.

-Change payment information on the first $100 order to my mothers credit card (with her permission)

-Says the payment information has been successfully changed

-Order still hasn't gone through.

-Try to contact cosmicbreak staff

-Hope that I don't have to wait 7 days for the order to cancel itself so I can get my money back.

Keeping in mind all my transactions were supposed to be sent out yesterday, being black friday, will I end up having to wait to get my RT?

Thanks for any advice on the matter, I'm pretty confused and upset about the whole thing. I wanted to try and win some of those robot cards, but it doesn't look like I will be able to when my RT won't charge.
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RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue- Empty
PostSubject: Re: RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue-   RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue- EmptySat Nov 26, 2011 5:03 pm

I wish I could help you,I bought gold (actually shaft did) for my WoT account,but it's not getting through either.
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RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue- Empty
PostSubject: Re: RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue-   RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue- EmptySat Nov 26, 2011 5:44 pm

I charged with visa (debit) during black friday night. I was able to receive my rt without problem.

So, I don't think this is solely CS's fault. Be a bit more patient, some time transfer time is a little longer when money value is higher (especially if this is first time buying).
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RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue- Empty
PostSubject: Re: RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue-   RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue- EmptySat Nov 26, 2011 9:51 pm

You should definitely try contacting C.S about it too. I know someone who had a problem with delayed RT charges. When his RT finally arrived, the chibis from the chibi campaign had been removed from the shop but a GM manually deducted the RT from his account and added the chibi.

So in your case if it turns out you didn't get the +10% bonus, they might be able to manually add it for you.
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RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue- Empty
PostSubject: Re: RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue-   RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue- EmptySat Nov 26, 2011 11:16 pm

Thnks for the replies guys Smile I'll try and be as patient as possible, I just really want Squidol girl haha.

Hence why I bought so much! I had bought some RT before, and it was instant, so I was just worried haha.

Thanks again!
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RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue- Empty
PostSubject: Re: RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue-   RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue- EmptySun Nov 27, 2011 6:34 am

I have the same exact issue, but i don't know how to solve it, also Allopass service seems to be missing...
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RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue- Empty
PostSubject: Re: RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue-   RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue- EmptySun Nov 27, 2011 1:40 pm

I'm starting to think maybe they don't work on weekends. I've sent them around 5 emails since black Friday and haven't gotten a response. I hope my order goes through soon, I have most of this week off and would like to try and win some of those robo-cards (probably won't happen now...)

If you get your issue resolved or get an email from Cyberstep, Slay, please reply again so I know someone is looking into the issue Smile
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RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue- Empty
PostSubject: Re: RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue-   RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue- EmptySun Nov 27, 2011 1:48 pm

Fhoeng, I used a prepaid visa, but my orders aren't going through :C Did you use googlecheckout or paypal? I just want my RT asap so I can roll some garapons and get some weapons to actually stand half a chance against some of those bigger bots.
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RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue- Empty
PostSubject: Re: RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue-   RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue- EmptyMon Nov 28, 2011 3:31 am

Mine was a bank debit card. I used paypal with it (with my bank connected to it).

Also, if you are talking about those big melee bot... particle gun (uc shop) with 1 force tune at power spot work amazingly well against them.
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RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue- Empty
PostSubject: Re: RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue-   RT advice/help -Black friday/googlecheckout issue- EmptyMon Nov 28, 2011 6:23 pm

oh, well thank you! I'll definately look into that Very Happy

CS sent me an email this morning, apparently it's a common issue with goggle checkout, and I was just being impatient.

Thanks for your support guys!

Now, off to view some guides and such! Very Happy
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