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Quitting Empty
PostSubject: Quitting   Quitting EmptyFri Aug 19, 2011 10:51 pm


I'll be blunt about this. Read and reply or skip everything and post "baw, don't leave" "yay" or shut the fuck up and get the fuck out. Three choices. I even bolded each one to make it easier for you to read. And colored them. As if I didn't try to make your lives easier before.

Been a lengthy marathon for me, this game is no longer worth the stay. Received my Cubes of Disappointment and even after pulling three moe AIR bots (Summer Thoarla, Tesla Coil, Mecha Jetter Girl), my specialty, I just lost interest. Too jaded by what this game has become; nothing more than an chasm of cash and currency and a worm hole of weeping and whining. It caters too strongly towards those with the money, such dirty management I have shamed at for many years before and many years to come. This now-abomination of a game and its self-published developer does not listen to its customers, such harmful relationship between "business partners" I have long dreaded. What was once a fun, niche game has become nothing more than an old, dying milk cow of money, opposite of what many online games have become as of late.

In short, this game has spiraled from its heightened promise of ingenuity to the abyss of absolute certainty of disappointment. The sweat of desperation drips from the pores of Cyberstep and do not tell me that this game is not destined for destruction when its daily player count has drastically dropped from its now departed days of closed beta, so as what its representatives want to believe when confronted with this observation. This is not the way you conduct a business of any sort. Online game publishers of all portals have been starting something new. Something fresh. Something different from the mindset of what online gamers used to believe. Online game publishers are starting to care, they are conducting surveys, they are active with the community, they promise progress, they modify their game to their customer's preferences as best as they can.
Meanwhile Cyberstep slumbers within the dark ages of online gaming. They do not care until it is time for desperate measures. They do not survey your opinions. While their Game Masters are active with the community, are they, themselves, active with the community? Have they promised progress, after all, what unique content has appeared lately? A new garapon with more units? Another underwhelming free unit that must be farmed for? Has there been any truly "new" game modes at all? What new missions that do not involve their new character have been released? When was the last time a new UC weapon been added to shop? Much less a bot? And while they've adjusted CosmicBreak slightly to the English community, has it been successful? Did it do well for us? Or did it harm us instead? Has Cyberstep not taken more than they give?

How do you have fun in this game anymore? The last time I played this game, my idea of "fun" was team fire pillaring, or "Pilar de Fuego!" Of course this frustrated the receiving end most of the time, but that was my idea of "fun" for the longest time, and I had never laughed so heartily since playing CosmicBreak as that time I did it. Then between the time I had done this and now, I attempted to play this game "seriously" again. It was a horrific mistake. All fun instantly drained away. Every laughter was just another flustered groan. All sense of accomplishment was immediately displaced by disparaging deaths. I had to question myself, "How has this game become so dependent on the the size of one's wallet and the digits of one's bank account?" I could not fight back against the monster of the overpowered bots. It was the worst feeling to have, to understand that because you do not charge enough cash and have the luck to draw out the right gear, you cannot excel and have fun in this game as an average player. The gap between cash and free is just a corner of the universe to the opposite corner.

Yet this trend continues and continues and continues and I am sure it will continue on until the death of its marketing department and its management and the game and eventually the company. This unhealthy trend is, now, irreversible. It can no longer be altered. To water down the currently released bots will anger the owners. To release stronger, free bots will upset cash versus free balance and community. To revamp the entire game will cause outburst and backlash. That is to say, if its current employees are to do so. This game - nay, this company requires an entire sweep of its current employees to be replaced by those that can truly relate themselves to gamers, not to the money. It lacks those that understand its playerbase, but too much in abundance of those that understand business and economics, perhaps not even that. What part of Cyberstep talks to its players at this moment? The Game Masters. What power do the Game Masters have over the development of this game? Near nothing. Have you spoken to CosmicBreak's designer? Have you spoken to CosmicBreak's marketer? Have you spoken to Cyberstep's head? No, you haven't, and this is not because of language and culture and ethnic barrier, this is simple lack of initiation by Cyberstep. A restaurant's manager still steps in to talk to his customers to ensure a pleasurable dining. A company's CEO may drop in to his workers to ensure their progress. The parent of a student may contact the superintendent and board of education to voice their ideas. There is contact between the true face of the company and its followers. Where does this contact appear with Cyberstep?

And here I am, pouring my heart out to explain every reason I am quitting this game in concise detail, a game that I thought had so much potential that just went tumbling down the wrong path, and I am sure it could matter less than nothing. I can huff and puff but I will never be able to blow down the behemoth Cyberstep. Management will never change, in turn, the game's trend will not change. The game's trend will not change, in turn, the game's progress will not advance. The game's progress will not advance, in turn, becoming something similar to playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 for seven years without purchasing the latest one. There is no "season" or "episode" or "tier" or "saga" or "revision" in this game, there is only "another week."
"Another week of a new garapon."
"Another week of the same events."
"Another week of new bots."
"Another week of playing arena."
"Another week of Arcantus."

In addition to uninstalling and quitting CosmicBreak, I have given my account to a couple of trusted players I know, none of whom I shall name. Those with my account information, do not give others without my permission, in case of the apocalypse is to happen and Cyberstep wakes up to the toll of the bell of change. If my account is online, it is never I again.
I demand to be removed from Overwatches. I feel my job has been done with the fanforums since the removal of Mayhem and that progress for the fanforums is the least that I can hope for in CosmicBreak's history. I have attempted to solve all issues as I could in the Tech Support and tried to the best of my abilities to peruse the forums to ensure rules are not broken and that was all I could do.

To those that I have become friendly with in CosmicBreak, I hope you can enjoy this game better than I spited it.
To those that I have been hostile against in CosmicBreak, I hope we can meet under better circumstances somewhere down the line of life.
To those that have spent money on CosmicBreak, I highly suggest stopping today.
To those that stay free and still play CosmicBreak, I salute you.
To those that survey for their money in CosmicBreak, get a job and spend that money on something else.
To those that have been team pillared by me in CosmicBreak, go try it.
To those that have not been team pillared by me in CosmicBreak, do it anyways.

To the fanforum users, our initial acquaintance is far from a pleasant one. I was consistently the model, the wrong, the martyr, the beaten, the unjust, the sheep, the foul. And I cared not. I came back time after time in attempts to prove myself to you that I am not right, but not wrong. That I was the accused. That I had become a target of severe injustice. I pointed at the evidences, the inconsistencies, the gray zones, the understanding, the misunderstanding, the black and the white. And yet it was not until it was something drastic as that had happened that anyone decided take what I had said earlier and put it to use. I was given more than three chances and I had made efforts to clean my name multiple times with each chance, but the damage to my reputation had been done so severely that it overjoyed me if people even bothered to listen to what I had to say.
I had called out Mayhem and his unjust ruling and it was dealt with until damage was done.
I had requested for forum reorganization, set rules, limits and restrictions, stickies, unstickies, announcements, unannouncements, and so much and its credit was taken away from me.
I had attempted to volunteer for stronger positions to further my ideas for progress and it was consistently pushed aside.
I have complained, whined, and bitched at the administrator and founder of these forums to be assertive in his position, and he ignores it like the French King Louis XVI, who outright ignored his kingdom until the French Revolution took his head.
None of you enjoy my posts. "This is too long" you all groan and promptly scroll past. "Too much hard words" you all moan and click back. "He doesn't know what he's talking about anyways" you all think to yourself and post an image macro. "This guy is just a troll" you all post and tl;dr.
Am I not wrong? Because that is the general feeling I am understanding from you apathetic bunch. I am outvoiced by this monster sloth of a forum who mostly refuses to read any sentence longer than the width of their palm and the paragraphs wider than a fist.
Thus I shall quit posting as well. I will return to my former lurker status, I will no longer create such a huge discomfort to browsers of the fanforums.

I will keep a half-shut eye watching the fanforums and CosmicBreak, if only to watch this game burn to the ground or turn around and become the company I envisioned. To be honest, I enjoy the art and designs of the mecha musume as well. However, simple hopes and eyecandy cannot keep me playing this game, and the obvious unrest towards my posting style has no part in these forums.

I will be within the CosmicBreak IRC channel, as I do have people that I speak to there. Aside from browsing this thread to answer whatever sort of question people have before I truly abandon the fanforums and my presence within the IRC channel, I will never be within contact of the fanforums again.
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Quitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quitting   Quitting EmptyFri Aug 19, 2011 11:18 pm

>>Paragraph 2
I thought it was a given that this game was primarily for the otakus that are desperate for their waifus and stuff like that. I mean, I doubt there's anyone else like xz around these parts.

>>Paragraph 3/4
Something about the scheme being more on the Japanese way of handling this kind of game: ie. make as much money as possible instead of investing, which they feel is more risky, even though a majority of the playerbase would actually love it if they did take the risk, given the game's premise and the old players' desire for a freaking trade option.

>>Paragraph 5
This game's whole purpose is PvP, really, so it's more or less bot building, really. Can't imagine anything else other than PvE content, but that's something that will never happen in CosmicBreak other than for mecha musume promotions and the like.

>>Paragraph 6
Again, whole purpose of the game is PvP. Can't exactly see what new things they could add. More PvE content? Go play C21; PvE here just helps you PvP better. Gimmicky maps? Night Highway was regulated into a Team Fight only map because majority of the players are too serious to like gimmick stages.

>>Paragraph 8
It's their money, let them spend it however they wish. It'll be their responsibility to deal with the consequences, anyway and people tend to be stubborn about the money they spend, if those people whining about getting crap in Garapon and even whining about free things are any indication.

>>Paragraph 10
You might not like it if this game somehow manages to pull through despite such a short term business plan. Regardless, it's probably better to just leave it altogether, since CyberStep is more or less beyond hope.
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Quitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quitting   Quitting EmptyFri Aug 19, 2011 11:28 pm

yay I read through all that, and I strongly agree with you. This game definitely has gone to Shit City. Eh, I tried quitting but I don't have the willpower to do it. But the day will eventually come. Also, I once spent 10 bucks on this game. It was a waste of 10 dollars too.
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Quitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quitting   Quitting EmptyFri Aug 19, 2011 11:56 pm

Read it all, agreed with it all, I love you for it all.

Best of luck with your life outside of CosmicBreak Nihil, I'll miss you still stalk you on IRC :V
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Quitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quitting   Quitting EmptySat Aug 20, 2011 1:27 am

You can neither prove nor can I disprove cosmic break is dyeing but the circle rank rooms seem to be filled as they should be on a weekly bases and the only way that would be possible would be if someone just joined (Granted they might not stay) They are still there. But usually my counter argument for anything related to this is to side with C.S. But quitting will help your wallet in the long run! I wish you best of luck in you future en devours.
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Quitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quitting   Quitting EmptySat Aug 20, 2011 1:53 am

I read through the entire thing, and I'll say my own little things:

I can't argue with you on your valid points. The game's gap between paying players and free user players is much too large for it to be considered a stable game. As far as the population goes, I've seen it stable at around 300 - 500 or so a day for the past 4 months. Even if that's only 1/3 of the daily population back in December 2010, it's still a stable population for now.

Game / Company spiraling into a deadly pit of doom? Yep, just about it. They lack any good free to play content that would keep new users interested in the game. Probably one of the only things that's keeping this game alive is the number of people who actually pay enough cash and able to still stay afloat in real life. (Believe me, I saw 12 Summer Ions today, 3 in the same place at the same time.)

And your posting? I, personally, never found anything bad about your posts. You seem like any other person who would post, I don't see why people get so upset over it.
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Quitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quitting   Quitting EmptySat Aug 20, 2011 2:25 am

Read it all,leisure reading imo,not a wall 'o' text :3

also,I kinda know how you feel.

But you gotta stop hating,you won't enjoy the internetz if you hate too much

and yes,it's a sinkhole,I play it because I have friends here etc etc

but occasionally i rediscover the "fun" in this game (recently,I made a destructor with a titan zook,and I must admit,it's pretty fun to make new stuff again)
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Quitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quitting   Quitting EmptySat Aug 20, 2011 2:50 am

"Once you pop, you can't stop!"
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Quitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quitting   Quitting EmptySat Aug 20, 2011 2:51 am

Ok, thanks. Bye!
I will not miss your gigantic walls of text. TL;DR
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Adept Poster
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Quitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quitting   Quitting EmptySat Aug 20, 2011 2:55 am

LXE wrote:
Ok, thanks. Bye!
I will not miss your gigantic walls of text. TL;DR

Its almost funny how much this made you look like a complete faggot.

Anyhoo, later, didnt know you much but hey, you seemed pretty cool.
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Quitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quitting   Quitting EmptySat Aug 20, 2011 3:03 am

Scott-kip wrote:
LXE wrote:
Ok, thanks. Bye!
I will not miss your gigantic walls of text. TL;DR

Its almost funny how much this made you look like a complete faggot.
Deal with it. Cool
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Quitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quitting   Quitting EmptySat Aug 20, 2011 3:05 am

NovaZero wrote:

A point as valid as cows are zebras.

No. Maintaining a steady balance of your game through fair management and a stable and warm environment EASILY has less risks than the current business model that Cyberstep employs. The only reason they continue with this practice is because they only know of this practice. To say it is risky to invest in this manner is to say it is risky to invest in a certificate of deposit versus penny stocks.

You only prove my point further by saying such. It is possible, but Cyberstep will not. Bot building? There is only the "efficient" build or nothing. What bot building is there? You cannot be unique in this game with its customization feature. Over 300 parts? 10 are usable. PvP game modes? Explain to me why capture the flag is team fights only. Why shouldn't it be a union wars? What about a typical king of the hill mode?

I can assure you any positive change is infinitely better than this game's current state. Unfortunately you cannot even hope for such.

Diabolical wrote:

I spent $110 and still quit. If I, the one with commitment issues, can quit, you can.

Suguri wrote:


Advisor wrote:

How to Tell a Game Publisher is Failing to Hold:
-Fails to hold onto games (not applicable, CosmicBreak is self-published)
+ADDENDUM: However, multiple foreign servers have failed if I am not mistaken.
-Begins to offer an uncharacteristically large amount of potential free cash (RO Cubes)
-Holds "attendance" type events (two already)
-No updates of any kind (as much as I spite it, garapon is an update)
-The player population faces a drastic drop and not a steady decline (witnessed)

Three and a half out of five.

Astral_Goddess wrote:

I constantly rant. I cuss profusely. I have a tendency to insult people. I act arrogantly. I spite people. I use an unconvincing sarcasm that causes people to believe I was serious. I post in manners that induce opposition within people.

In short, I am a jerk. If I liked that song at all, my theme song would have been "You're a Jerk" except I hate that music.

Understand that I was forced to go through great lengths to keep my original post a readable and logical one as opposed to my former style of swear-ladled slang and lacking in grace. As I read through a couple of the latest reply, I am slowly slipping back to it.

Nisa wrote:

No reason to play this game. Can't fly anywhere within whatever absurd range of those Toybox Girl missiles range are. Can't go around to attack from the back because they'll have a Blast Bazooka. Can't play melee because of Aquila Girls. Can't play ARTs because Aquila Girls and stronger melee.
No EVERYTHING Zone. Shut down because I play a niche class of moebots, and everything in that niche is outclassed.
Did you know stress is induced mostly because you feel you lack control over the situation you are placed in? How do you think I feel when I have to deal with eating three shots of a cruise missile to the face guaranteed? I'm going to be extremely frustrated over it because it here's I, attempting to legitimately aim and take down someone, whilst cash spender number 325 boredly presses his right mouse button from the safety of his teammate's backs.

You know what I enjoy?
Almost everything but CosmicBreak now.

Aria wrote:
"Once you pop, you can't stop!"

I stopped.

LXE wrote:
Ok, thanks. Bye!
I will not miss your gigantic walls of text. TL;DR

Nice to know you still care.:

Scott-kip wrote:

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Quitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quitting   Quitting EmptySat Aug 20, 2011 3:07 am

Nihil679 wrote:
LXE wrote:
Ok, thanks. Bye!
I will not miss your gigantic walls of text. TL;DR

Nice to know you still care.:
Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed
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Quitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quitting   Quitting EmptySat Aug 20, 2011 3:11 am

Nihil679 wrote:

How to Tell a Game Publisher is Failing to Hold:
-Fails to hold onto games (not applicable, CosmicBreak is self-published)
+ADDENDUM: However, multiple foreign servers have failed if I am not mistaken.
iirc all versions that aren't CBEN or CBJP (maybe the new CBKR too?) weren't directly run by Cyberstep. All of these other servers suffered from heaps of horrible judgment calls by their staff (see: CBTH having 3s Air Raider for UC, enjoy 30v30 alpha air only shitfests if you want to arena) which resulted in lots of bullshit and imbalance which resulted in rapidly dwindling population and no rt buyers which resulted in server death.
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Quitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quitting   Quitting EmptySat Aug 20, 2011 3:28 am

Quote :
You only prove my point further by saying such. It is possible, but Cyberstep will not. Bot building? There is only the "efficient" build or nothing. What bot building is there? You cannot be unique in this game with its customization feature. Over 300 parts? 10 are usable. PvP game modes? Explain to me why capture the flag is team fights only. Why shouldn't it be a union wars? What about a typical king of the hill mode?
I know. I wasn't exactly defending CyberStep. Just stating what it is. I can't even play the game as much as I used to due to boredom plus my shitty internet and interest in other games. Only thing keeping me on here is needing the materials to fully tune my 3rd Renny Lop, my entire Renny Lop commando, that Summer Crim event and getting Connie. Oh and the decent people playing this game, as well.

I've pretty much accepted CyberStep's faults. Its apparent ability to always make its audience hate them whatever compromise they do, the whole Garapon bullshit(particularly that, since elimination of Garapon would mean everyone in this damn game would have an Aquila Girl or whatever the broken bot of the week is), the lack of a Trade function or even a Bazaar(which in itself is already limited and wouldn't do much, since Bazaar is UC only and the stuff people want to trade off are Rt/Garapon), Night Highway being Team Fight only because people don't believe in fun(especially since it is capable of breaking the current metagame, which is AIR dominance), herpa derp suicide gameplay apparently a better way of getting to the top than attempts for survivability or even support(there's a select few cases, but this way of gameplay is pretty much dominant) and other things I am forgetting. I just don't really give a rat's butthole about all that.

Quote :
I can assure you any positive change is infinitely better than this game's current state. Unfortunately you cannot even hope for such.
I cannot hope for such because I feel that CyberStep(or at the very least, this game) is incapable of it. CyberStep already made a bunch of compromises to try and keep the playerbase happy, but it doesn't really present an acceptable solution. I mean, you have monthly UC->Rt exchange which people stopped being interested in because they don't like the rates(higher than JP's conversion rates? I never!), Super UC Garapon that always gets extended due to how popular it is and Ark Battles(which are basically normal Union Wars battles with the chance one of the players becomes a giant turtle/dinosaur/super robot) and yet none of it's even doing anything. Reduction of Rt prices wouldn't do much because majority of the good stuff are Garapon and elimination of Garapon will just kill this game even further(hello 30vs30 of nothing but Aquila Girl, Toybox Girl and whatever derp melee exists). A Trade function would make a majority of players unwilling to pay for the game and probably even abuse the feature for all it's worth. You could prove me wrong on any of this(I don't know jack shit about business, I'll admit) but even then, you can bet CyberStep won't try it even out of desperation; all they can do are compromises.

Other than hoping for a positive change in the game or even the company, I'm pretty much agreeing with you about the game at this point. I'm only still caring about this game because I don't really care about all the negative aspects too much and I still have some unfinished business to take care.

Even though you rubbed me off the wrong way, I hope you find something better.

tl;dr I'm agreeing with you even though I don't really care about the negatives. Get away from CosmicBreak and never look back.
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Quitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quitting   Quitting EmptySat Aug 20, 2011 4:28 am

Dayum, sad to hear that.
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Quitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quitting   Quitting EmptySat Aug 20, 2011 5:38 am

I don't know you. I'll start there and say my piece in a short and condensed fashion, avoiding direct quotes in an attempt to not get carried away or off topic.

~ I applaud your decision to quit, on the basis that if you're not having fun playing then stop. So many people whine and bitch about so many things in reference to this game. I can agree or disagree, with neither holding much water in the long term. Truthfully, given that life is a series of choices, then your choice to leave the game is commendable because you are choosing to find something you like to do instead.

~ I have fun playing the game. You can talk of meta-game and rant on lack of balance, but I have fun playing the game.

Have fun, don't get a hernia, and I wish you the best of luck.
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Ace Poster
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Quitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quitting   Quitting EmptySat Aug 20, 2011 6:39 am

*agree with nihil*
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Quitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quitting   Quitting EmptySat Aug 20, 2011 2:38 pm

Scott-kip wrote:
LXE wrote:
Ok, thanks. Bye!
I will not miss your gigantic walls of text. TL;DR

Its almost funny how much this made you look like a complete faggot.

Anyhoo, later, didnt know you much but hey, you seemed pretty cool.
You didn't know? LXE is a gigantic faggot.
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Adept Poster
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Quitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quitting   Quitting EmptySat Aug 20, 2011 3:16 pm

I half followed the whole nihil-mayhem thing and to me it just seemed like someone on a power trip. Well, you seemed like a nice person and I'm sure we would have gotten along. Good luck with your future endeavors

Also, Diabolical is correct
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Ace Poster
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Quitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quitting   Quitting EmptySat Aug 20, 2011 5:30 pm

Try CBTH and you'll love CBEN.....

well at first CB look like to be good game, now it turn into ordinary cash sucker online like the rest.

you can't enjoy P2W game that why i like Monty Fee : <
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Quitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quitting   Quitting EmptySat Aug 20, 2011 6:30 pm

Diabolical wrote:
Scott-kip wrote:
LXE wrote:
Ok, thanks. Bye!
I will not miss your gigantic walls of text. TL;DR

Its almost funny how much this made you look like a complete faggot.

Anyhoo, later, didnt know you much but hey, you seemed pretty cool.
You didn't know? LXE is a gigantic faggot.

Nilla & Rinrin wrote:

Also, Diabolical is correct
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Quitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quitting   Quitting EmptySat Aug 20, 2011 6:48 pm

This isn't a "Let's bash LXE" thread. Cease and desist.
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Quitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quitting   Quitting EmptySat Aug 20, 2011 8:36 pm

Just because you hate somebody doesn't mean you go bash the hell out of them.
Suguri wrote:
This isn't a "Let's bash LXE" thread. Cease and desist.
Thanks Suguri.

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Quitting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Quitting   Quitting EmptySat Aug 20, 2011 9:01 pm

Suguri wrote:

Cyberstep should have been advising alongside their publishers then. This is an example of risky investment, allowing a game to go to hell just because you give the license for someone else to run a server? Get money, abandon. Makes sense.

808 wrote:

It's not just meta-games and balance. It's lack of new, free unique content. It's the equivalent of a fighting game that releases a new sequel in the series, but all the new characters are only DLC. In addition, if you want to get the new features such as combo breakers or nerfs/buffs, then you need to pay cash too. That's how I feel about this game now.

Rinrin wrote:
*agree with nihil*


FreedomFighter wrote:

Nearly every online game and its publisher has become archangels and saints compared to their old dark days. Nexon has been listening to the community, Perfect World Entertainment has begun to listen to the community, Riot Games has listened to their community since their start, Kill3r Combo is fresh and listens to their community as far as I know. The only old publishers I can think of that have not seen progress to me are Gpotato and ijji.
And Cyberstep.

LXE wrote:

Nihil679 wrote:
In addition to uninstalling and quitting CosmicBreak, I have given my account to a couple of trusted players I know, none of whom I shall name. Those with my account information, do not give others without my permission, in case of the apocalypse is to happen and Cyberstep wakes up to the toll of the bell of change. If my account is online, it is never I again.

In addition, I doubt anyone hated you until that post.
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