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 Maril March vs Maril March Trill Sound Balls

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Maril March vs Maril March Trill Sound Balls Empty
PostSubject: Maril March vs Maril March Trill Sound Balls   Maril March vs Maril March Trill Sound Balls EmptySat Mar 05, 2011 2:25 pm

Ive been using Maril March for a while now because it can summon 8 ball instead of 6. A guildie said Trills sound balls is more accurate than the regular marils sound balls. When using the regulars sound balls i hardly ever hit all 8 of em.

Which one would you recommend? and are Trills soundballs really more accurate?

Maril March:

Single target
8 small sound balls
Slightly lower force than Trill

Maril March Trill:
Multi target(2)
6 big sound balls
Slightly higher force than regular

1 more question. i got 20 cost left and am able to get 1 more cartridge. ive decided to get a dodging/escape cartridge but im not sure which one to get.
Im thinking about sway/boostrun (only got 1 fly)/short boost(got no quick land).
Which one do you think is best?

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Maril March vs Maril March Trill Sound Balls Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maril March vs Maril March Trill Sound Balls   Maril March vs Maril March Trill Sound Balls EmptySat Mar 05, 2011 7:52 pm

I'm using trill and most of the balls hit if the first one does, the only bad thing is the AM shockwave, where original maril is better with 30 force.
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Maril March vs Maril March Trill Sound Balls Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maril March vs Maril March Trill Sound Balls   Maril March vs Maril March Trill Sound Balls EmptySat Mar 05, 2011 10:30 pm

Cori wrote:
the only bad thing is the AM shockwave, where original maril is better with 30 force.
Triill's shockwave arm has four times as much ammo and fires much more quickly, though. They seem pretty even to me.
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Maril March vs Maril March Trill Sound Balls Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maril March vs Maril March Trill Sound Balls   Maril March vs Maril March Trill Sound Balls EmptySat Mar 05, 2011 10:35 pm

Suguri wrote:
Cori wrote:
the only bad thing is the AM shockwave, where original maril is better with 30 force.
Triill's shockwave arm has four times as much ammo and fires much more quickly, though. They seem pretty even to me.

You'd want to remove the air that comes to the shockwave's AM range ASAP. And the original Maril AM seem to stun any air that comes near to me easier than the trill variant.
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Maril March vs Maril March Trill Sound Balls Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maril March vs Maril March Trill Sound Balls   Maril March vs Maril March Trill Sound Balls EmptySun Mar 06, 2011 12:39 am

Suguri wrote:
Cori wrote:
the only bad thing is the AM shockwave, where original maril is better with 30 force.
Triill's shockwave arm has four times as much ammo and fires much more quickly, though. They seem pretty even to me.

The spread though, is awful. It's comparable to the difference between Saggy and Saggy MKII, you can't aim II's railguns at all, they fly all over the place.
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Maril March vs Maril March Trill Sound Balls Empty
PostSubject: Re: Maril March vs Maril March Trill Sound Balls   Maril March vs Maril March Trill Sound Balls Empty

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Maril March vs Maril March Trill Sound Balls
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