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 29/09/2016 updates

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Posts : 1391
Join date : 2010-12-05
Age : 33

29/09/2016 updates Empty
PostSubject: 29/09/2016 updates   29/09/2016 updates EmptyWed Sep 28, 2016 9:00 am

aside from the second half of the robo store manager's quest
on the following dates
by clearing a specific dungeon on a specific date for 5mt and other prizes for each quest cleared

01/10/2016 - pold deep - *shine feather amj'
02/10/2016 - fulby deep - *another shine feather amj'
03/10/2016 - destroyed poyeen - 1 gold robonium, elect guard ++L , 1 voting card
04/10/2016 - fulby - 1 gold robonium, 1 beam armor, 1 voting card
05/10/2016 - pitaro - 1 gold robonium , 1 combine clear , 1 voting card
06/10/2016 - geo - 1 gold robonium , 1 electric armor, 1 voting card

for the amj, this is how it looks like
29/09/2016 updates Screenshot_20160928_1424_49_504
and its stats
29/09/2016 updates E382b9e38386e383bce382bfe382b9

however the amjs you receive from the quests have an expiry date
and they will be removed on 13/10/2016

if you want a permament version of the amjs, you gotta sign up for a premium contract
for continous 49 months or more to get it (but you will get other amjs while getting signed up for the contract)

by clearing pold, kambi and indigo, you get 1 mt and 1 big robonium for each quest cleared
and deep sections of kambi, pitaro and geo for 1 mt and 1 gold robonium

shadow hunter fan is next of the rookie quest campaign, not doing it rly..

till 13/10/2016, norudoro dungeon rewards are doubled
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