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 14/01/2016 updates

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Posts : 1391
Join date : 2010-12-05
Age : 33

14/01/2016 updates Empty
PostSubject: 14/01/2016 updates   14/01/2016 updates EmptyThu Jan 14, 2016 5:54 am

2nd batch of new year c$ gacha is added
which features
14/01/2016 updates E382a2e382afe382a4e383bce382a2
14/01/2016 updates E38398e383a9e382b0e383ace382a4e382ace383bc-300x225
14/01/2016 updates E382b3e383bce38386e383b3e382b0-300x225
14/01/2016 updates E382b7e383a3e38389e382a6e3839ee382b9e382bfe383bc-300x225

this time is ghost raider.
14/01/2016 updates E382a2e383abe38390e382a4e382bfe383bce381aee3818ae6898be4bc9de3818411
had enough ghost raider, not doing it.

by clearing kambi, pitaro and geo ruins, you get 1 mt and 1 big robonium for each quest cleared

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14/01/2016 updates Empty
PostSubject: Re: 14/01/2016 updates   14/01/2016 updates EmptyThu Jan 14, 2016 7:33 am

Dem Aquila, the rest seems "Meh" tier

Edit: Is it only me that sees it like it or i am wasting a good chance?

Edit 2: Everything was going fine on my head until i realized they were mostly (or ar all of them) shop bots turned rank C
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