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 26/12/2013 updates(new year gacha updated)

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Posts : 1391
Join date : 2010-12-05
Age : 33

26/12/2013 updates(new year gacha updated) Empty
PostSubject: 26/12/2013 updates(new year gacha updated)   26/12/2013 updates(new year gacha updated) EmptyThu Dec 26, 2013 12:18 am

gwyain aur and armada oceano
is added in new gacha, however,the gacha itself only shows up on 1st jan.
Which that will be updated on the day itself.

26/12/2013 updates(new year gacha updated) 1
type: air
note: this gwyain is from cc, but fitted with new arm parts and the first knight of the round planet bot(a variant that is) to not get released into cb first.

26/12/2013 updates(new year gacha updated) 4
type: art
however, both am weaponry will have ammo.

(update) new year gacha list up

xmas event ends

new year campaign starts
you can find kagami mochis in the fields
along with new year mobs that drops snowman parts and mikan(orange) bd

26/12/2013 updates(new year gacha updated) ScreenShot_20131226_0501_54_485_zps963ef097

new year mission is added in central base.
you can play with another friend in this mission

new rewards

3rd skin contest loading screen is added.

double reward for both indra cave and tower campaign begins
and for clearing the following dungeons, you will get rewards.
indra cave:
1x del motor and 1 combine plus 10

indra tower (bottom)
1x Sabbath orb and 1 combine plus 10

indra tower (upper)
1x emperor gem and 1 combine plus 10

emperor's garden
5x indra jump and 1 combine plus 10

and by clearing the following dungeon for a minimum of 10 rounds, 20 and 30 rounds and more
you will get more rewards

indra cave:
2 del motors
1 del gorian amj
1 del cheat motor

indra tower (bottom)
2 Sabbath orbs
4 Sabbath orbs
1 Sabbath crystal

indra tower (upper)
5 emperor gems
2 fairlight muzzles
1 emperor large gem

emperor's garden
1 ツァールガン
1 "adapter fate core"
2 "adapter fate cores"

more to be updated

Last edited by MrCake on Tue Dec 31, 2013 11:31 am; edited 2 times in total
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26/12/2013 updates(new year gacha updated) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 26/12/2013 updates(new year gacha updated)   26/12/2013 updates(new year gacha updated) EmptyThu Dec 26, 2013 2:03 am

No hell, now we have to do a mission to get Cact N, F, LG and Snowman parts? smooth we can get again the with the paint of a chinese zodiac animal BS and a top?

No kidding we really get a top and its C-4

The BS its any diferent from the one that could be got last year?
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26/12/2013 updates(new year gacha updated) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 26/12/2013 updates(new year gacha updated)   26/12/2013 updates(new year gacha updated) EmptyMon Dec 30, 2013 4:00 am

MrCake wrote:

26/12/2013 updates(new year gacha updated) 4
Reminds me of this, mainly because of the small fighter craft.
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Posts : 1391
Join date : 2010-12-05
Age : 33

26/12/2013 updates(new year gacha updated) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 26/12/2013 updates(new year gacha updated)   26/12/2013 updates(new year gacha updated) EmptyTue Dec 31, 2013 11:42 am

some new weapons and a bit on gwyain aur

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26/12/2013 updates(new year gacha updated) Empty
PostSubject: Re: 26/12/2013 updates(new year gacha updated)   26/12/2013 updates(new year gacha updated) Empty

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