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 28/02/2012 updates

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Posts : 1391
Join date : 2010-12-05
Age : 33

28/02/2012 updates Empty
PostSubject: 28/02/2012 updates   28/02/2012 updates EmptyThu Feb 28, 2013 1:13 am

7th aniversary mission ends
white day mission starts
28/02/2012 updates ScreenShot_20130228_0402_02_499_zpscb3aa1f6
28/02/2012 updates ScreenShot_20130228_0402_14_430_zps2d652558

no spider this time, but er...
28/02/2012 updates ScreenShot_20130228_0402_55_725_zpsb65619f3
28/02/2012 updates ScreenShot_20130228_0403_01_897_zpsadbafb68
and shes your enemy this time (but you must not "kill" her or the mission fails
28/02/2012 updates ScreenShot_20130228_0403_19_379_zps526b5e59
and the delgons are really tough..
28/02/2012 updates ScreenShot_20130228_0404_05_289_zpsf7a12e40
and once all demon force are taken out, she became your ally and, take out the demon forces again in their true colors.(minus the swans)
28/02/2012 updates ScreenShot_20130228_0416_43_505_zpsafeef89e

once complete, you will have a chance to obtain either the spider parts or, the special lgj and amj.
28/02/2012 updates ScreenShot_20130228_0428_28_305_zps4d0d3c28

it doesnt really freeze..
28/02/2012 updates ScreenShot_20130228_0429_17_049_zps477b91db
28/02/2012 updates ScreenShot_20130228_0429_21_237_zpsba55df90

28/02/2012 updates ScreenShot_20130228_0440_46_850_zps9e795e59
if dash/run forward or backward, you will do a little spin with sparkles
and dashing.running left or right will spin around
fly dash will make you spin to the ground with sparkles
and if not moving, it will just do a normal forward spin.
28/02/2012 updates ScreenShot_20130228_0443_02_776_zps2474619d

which is lityerally just what any man bot needs(especially muscle victor if he can wear lgj parts)
28/02/2012 updates ScreenShot_20130228_0440_17_416_zpsdbf085f4

28/02/2012 updates ScreenShot_20130228_1233_03_156_zps1f4877f5
28/02/2012 updates ScreenShot_20130228_1227_37_702_zps68442c28
and yes, once used, the bot that used the amj is dead.

new recipe is added into the labatory.

28/02/2012 updates ScreenShot_20130228_0438_00_854_zps390003aa

1 week only gacha sp is added
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